Reviews by totalfrog

This review is for Pastry Jacks, Endeavour Hills VIC

verified email - 05 May 2009

You are lucky if these people will serve you. Many times we have walked away in disgust after being ignored by one of the staff. Many of their cakes are overpriced and the specialty cakes hat they make to order are horrible.

Approximate cost: $4.00

This review is for Aussie Farmers Direct, Richmond VIC

verified email - 03 Apr 2008

We used their fruit and veggie service for about 6 months. I cancelled it today as for the last few weeks we have been recieving sub par produce. Some fruit was arriving rotten or squashed. A cos lettuce we recieved came with 5 leaves on it. Not 5 usuable leaves. Just 5 leaves of lettuce in total. i was excited to get 6 figs in the box yesterday, but was less than happy when I removed them from their packaging to find them all rotting and inedible.
I am not sure what has happened but I am kind of sad and disappointed to have to part ways with this company as it has been very convenient and the price is good when you compare it with the large supermarket chains (though you could probably do better at the market). It is also a little annoying that you cannot choose what you need for the week. There were a few weeks where we got a lot of fruit and not many veggies, which doesn't really help when it comes to mealtimes.

Approximate cost: $35/week