Reviews by nickr216

This review is for Andy Bartone Plumbing, Ballarat East VIC

11 Jul 2021

Andy is one of the reasons you feel thankful to live in a place like Ballarat. Not only is he trustworthy, polite, kind, and all the rest you’d expect of a decent person, he also happens to be an excellent plumber. When my solar/gas backup hot water system broke, instead of recommending a costly (and easy) replacement, Andy got brainstorming, and together we devised a simple by-pass to continue using what we had. We tapped off the solar and went straight into the gas. This creative solution was probably a bit more work for Andy, but he knew it would save us a lot of money, so was happy to help. Best news is our hot water is better than ever now! Thanks Andy!

Approximate cost: $400

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