Reviews by davidc284

This review is for Prestige SME Business Solutions, Brighton East VIC

15 May 2018

Jeff was engaged as Financial Controller, having strong business intelligence, integrity and reliability.

Jeff made many changes and innovations to the Finance Department including ensuring costs were recouped for technical support, hosting and extensions and close attention was paid to Project Management.

Jeff continually brought to management’s attention major issues requiring attention including some major project over runs, well thought out improvements including changing the payroll cycle and a new staff delegation structure.

Jeff turned the Finance Department into a highly professional operation with tighter spending controls and greater emphasis on staff work records and documentation, especially HR.

Management fully appreciated his passion, commitment, professionalism and dedication to this role.

We enjoyed a harmonious and effective working relationship and fully appreciated Jeff’s contribution to Balance Internet’s growth and success.

David Crothers.
Director (Balance Internet)

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