1 review about Pierre Song

verified email - 30 Dec 2014

The Forest Hill foodcourt has always been a dissapointment so I was curious to discover they had opened a new addition. I was hoping this would bring decent food into the food court but I was sadly very disappointed. The menu is strikingly similar to Bing Boy (a franchise of similar product), so I went with my usual order counterpart, the Prawn Bay. The girl was friendly and my order was taken promptly. While waiting I had a bite of the Peking one they had on the front to try. It wasn't too bad, but certainly no 'wow'. I watched sadly as I watched the girl prepare my crepe. Obviously new at the job I watched her stumble through making, having to refold, drop it and respread my poor bing. This was acceptable I suppose being new. When I ate into it though, I was very disappointed. Not from the careless make of the crepe but from flavour. The amount of lettuce overpowered a lot of any other taste and the sauce was probably some cheap mix of salad dressing and strong soy sauce. The crepe had all the 'similar' ingredients as its equilavent to Bing Boy, the crackers, avocado, carrot but even on it's best day, it could never even be a poor imitation of its well known cousin. I couldn't finish it and it ended in the bin.

Approximate cost: $7.90

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