Piccolo's Bakery Cafe

based on 1 review

1 review about Piccolo's Bakery Cafe

verified email - 31 Mar 2014

This place is really small, but looked cheerful from the outside with red chairs and 2 or 3 tables on the street. Inside it's just as small - a serving area and then a doorway through to another small room with tables to eat inside.

The glass counters and bread racks etc didn't have a lot of stuff in them, although this was around 9.30 am on a Sunday morning. There was only one very young girl serving which made it hard when 2 or 3 customers wanted sandwiches made or coffee and then other people only wanted to buy bread, milk and the paper.

There were no prices up for anything except the one special item that day - so it was hard to know what the total would be (I like to add this up in my head).

The coffee was quite good and enjoyed sitting out in this very busy street, but on a Sunday without too much traffic it was fine.

Open 7.00am to 4.30 pm weekdays and up to 2.00 pm on weekends.

One of the plates had a large chip at the side, and the Hot Cross bun I ordered which I only wanted spread with a little butter/marg came out totally flat and had been put in the toaster/griller thing. I had not asked for that. The other sandwich and Danish were okay. Total of $15.80 for two coffees, a sandwich and two baked items. Ham sandwich was fine except had tiny flakes of onion.

So, I think this could be a nice little place but they need to lift their game a bit, put on more staff and improve the professionalism of their business.

I might go back to try something else, but at a different time of day. It wasn't bad but it wasn't great either.

Approximate cost: $ 8 - 10

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