1 review about Big River Driving School

verified email - 14 Aug 2013

I had a few driving lessons with Kevin. He's a great driving instructor, knows what he's talking about, etc. but unfortunately I found he got distracted onto other topics during the lessons. If I'm going to spend money on professional driving lessons I'd rather be in "driving mode" for the whole hour. However, I have friends who have had lessons with Kevin and haven't found the same issue with his lack of focus. Maybe he was just having an off day! Big River Driving School has two cars, one manual and one automatic, both with dual controls. Lessons are $50 each or $280 for six.

Approximate cost: $50

Breamboy 24 Jan 2014

Unfortunately, when driving in a real life situation, a "driving mode" often is not possible. Driving in real life contains many of the 'distractions' you speak of.. If anything, Kevin gave you a more 'real' experience.

Breamboy 24 Jan 2014

Unfortunately, when driving in a real life situation, a "driving mode" often is not possible. Driving in real life contains many of the 'distractions' you speak of.. If anything, Kevin gave you a more 'real' experience.

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