Your Noosa Chiropractors

Get your first adjustment, including full examination and posture analysis
for just $95 (RRP $180). Our innovative chiropractic technique helps you get out of pain quickly, and helps you see lasting changes in your posture.

Are you dealing with pain or stiffness that is stopping you from working, sleeping,
or doing the things you love?

Maybe you are starting to feel “old” and stiff when you wake up. You’re not recovering from niggles as easily as before. Maybe pain is preventing you from living an active lifestyle.

Whether you are dealing with a “new” problem, or an old injury that keeps coming back, we are here to help you get back to living without pain as quickly as possible.

We have created a $95 new patient special to make it easy for you to get the professional help you need from one of our experienced Noosa chiropractors.

It is not normal to be dealing with pain. To get on top of your problem as quickly as possible, book online today and start living without pain.

Noosa’s leading chiropractors in pain and posture

We help people with the following conditions:


Shoulder Pain

Posture Correction

Back Pain + Sciatica

Neck Pain

Knee Pain

Sports Injuries


Pinched Nerve

Noosa chiropractic care focused on pain and posture solutions

At Posture HQ Chiropractic in Noosa Junction, we use an innovative chiropractic technique that is focused on providing relief from pain quickly and improving posture.

Advanced BioStructural Correction (or ABC for short) is based upon the observation that certain bones can misalign in a way that can't be self-corrected by your body.

When this occurs, our body 'twists' to compensate.

Over time, with many such misalignments and compensatory twists, posture deteriorates and pain becomes a common problem.

ABC™ involves removing pressure from the body to fix musculoskeletal pain patterns and improve posture.

Our Noosa chiropractors, Dr Elizabeth Borham and Dr Carlyle Jenkins, are experienced practitioners of ABC™ and are here to help you live without pain.

What to expect on your first visit to PostureHQ Chiropractic

2. Detailed posture analysis

Your posture is important to your overall health and well-being, which is why we analyse it thoroughly. Your postural alignment is also one of the ways in which we monitor your progress.

Seeing changes in your posture is something that is commonplace in our practice, and it is a sign the mechanics of your body are becoming more balanced and are under less pressure and stress. Improving your posture helps take pressure off your body, allowing your body to heal and function at its very best.

1. Comprehensive examination

Upon arrival at PostureHQ Chiropractic, you will be greeted by our friendly and supportive assistants. They will ask you to complete our comprehensive intake form which helps advise your chiropractor about your body.

The first consultation with one of our chiropractors consists of a thorough health history, examination of your structure and your balance, as well as neurological and orthopedic tests. We use spinal x-rays (if clinically indicated) to give us a better understanding of your body’s structure and biomechanics.

Our goal here is simple: find what is causing your pain.

3. Your first ABC™ adjustment

It is important to us that we help you get relief as quickly as possible. We will always adjust you in your first visit (unless ywe need to refer you to another healthcare provider)

The ABC™ protocol is a ‘hands on’ or ‘manual’ style approach to chiropractic care utilising meningeal stretches and adjustments of the spine, hips, pelvis, ankles, feet, knees and ribs. For the majority of clients, ABC™ will make visible and stable postural changes within the first two or three weeks. Most clients notice decreased muscular tension, pain and improved breathing after even the first adjustment.

Meet the Team

  • Dr Liz Borham Posture HQ Chiropractic Noosa

    Dr Elizabeth Borham

    B.Hlth.Sci (Chiro) M.Clin.Chiro (RMIT) B.Econ (Qld)


  • Dr Carlyle Jenkins

    Dr Carlyle Jenkins

    BSc MChiro Dip BSLM/IBLM


Our most frequently asked questions at Posture HQ Chiropractic - Noosa.

  • Yes. You are able to claim all of our services through your private health providers (including our new patient special). We have HICAPS on-site, so you can get your rebates instantly.

  • YES. We will always do our best to get you in the same day with one of our Noosa chiropractors. When you are dealing with pain, we don’t want you to have to wait to get relief.

    If you can not find a time through our online booking portal simply call the practice on (07) 5455 4067

  • This one depends on your specific complaints, how long you have had them, and the causative factors. That being said, most of our new patients notice an improvement and some pain relief after their first adjustment. Usually, people are moving and feeling much better within 2-4 weeks.

  • Advanced BioStructual Correction is a relatively new chiropractic technique to Australia. Its name means just that, an advance in the way life structures (the human body) is corrected. It was pioneered by a structural engineer turned chiropractor, Dr Jesse Jutkowitz.

    The body is a single synchronous unit, meaning that the body works as a whole, not as individual parts. You cannot change one area of the body without another area being affected. There are bones that can get misaligned out of their correct position by external forces acting upon the body (falls, bumps, accidents etc). For the most part, the body has many muscles which have the ability to correct bones out of place. But if a bone is knocked forward or anterior, there are no muscles in the human body with the ability to correct this misalignment. This causes the body to twist, bend and compensate for this forward or anterior misalignment. This is known as Anterior Vertebral Syndrome (AVS).

    Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is based on the following premises (this is taken directly from the ABC site:

    1. First, the body is a partially self-correcting mechanism. The body is not totally self-correcting or you would never need a doctor or any help getting your body corrected (why the body was made to partially but not totally self-correcting is not part of this discussion — the observable fact is that it is somewhat self-correcting but not totally).

    2. Next is that there are some things the body cannot self-correct. This seems obvious but must be stated as a separate and distinct fact for the purpose of creating a framework with which to be able to correct all body structures.)

    3. Third, is that to get someone’s body healthy (corrected and working properly), you correct only the things the body cannot self-correct, letting the body do the rest, that it can do itself. (This may take a little while, but it is what works best. What a person may think a body needs and what it really needs are not the same. So, if the body can correct something but does not, there must be something the body needs done before that gets corrected. That something is always the correction of something the body cannot self-correct.)

    4. So fourth is that one should never correct anything the body can correct but is not correcting. Why? If the body can correct it and does not, you must assume there is something else the body cannot self-correct out of place that makes it necessary for the body to hold/have the thing it COULD self-correct out of place. (This is either by choice or by the forces created when the thing the body cannot self-correct stays uncorrected.)

    For more information on ABC™ visit:

    Meningeal Release

    ABC Miracles

  • Traditional chiropractic has a different purpose, different approach and different outcomes. The purpose of traditional chiropractic is to find and locate joints in the spine, pelvis and extremities that are restricted or causing pain. Once located, traditional chiropractic methods use a variety of techniques to help restore normal motion to these restricted joints. These techniques include manual adjusting, activator guns and other such instruments, blocks and drop tables to name a few. The goal of this approach is generally to alleviate pain and increase motion.

    Unlike traditional chiropractic, Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is only concerned with correcting the bones and joints in your spine and body that your body has no ability to correct itself. By correcting only the things the human body has no ability to correct itself (because it has no muscles in the direction required to correct the misplaced bone), the body is able to unwind and release many layers of compensatory twists which build up as a result of these misalignments your body cannot correct. This causes significant tension throughout the body and nervous system. Reversing this allows the body to become more flexible (feeling freer and more comfortable), as well as improving posture. Improving posture has many health benefits, most notable easier breathing meaning more oxygen to the brain and body, and less tension on the brain and nervous system. This allows the brain and body, to function at its optimum, how nature intended.

  • Posture is the window to how our body is aligned or structured. Our posture determines how our body is functioning. If we have poorly structured body, which is most easily seen by poor posture, then it is well known our body will not function at its optimum.

    The American Journal of Pain Management concluded that:

    “Posture affects and moderates every physiological function from breathing to spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture.”

    –American Journal of Pain Management 1994, 4: 36-39

  • ‘Remarkably’ according to a New Zealand study.

    In 1979, the Government of New Zealand published an objective study of chiropractic. Many issues were studied, including cost effectiveness, chiropractic education and training, safety issues, and patient satisfaction.

    Among other things, the resulting 377 page document concluded that chiropractic would have a positive influence on the health of a country.

    The commission investigated two safety issues that had been commonly raised by chiropractic critics. The first being the safety of chiropractic spinal adjustments, and the second, the notion that seeking chiropractic care delays medical treatment. After extensive inquiry, the researchers found both safety concerns to be unfounded. Because of the lack of evidence of the contrary, the commissioners determined chiropractic care to be remarkably safe.

    Chiropractic in New Zealand Report of the Commission of Inquiry, 1979, Page 78.

Want to contact us directly?

Start feeling and moving better today

Click below to schedule your first appointment with our Noosa chiropractors.

Where to find us

Shop 6c/1 Arcadia Street,
Noosa Heads, QLD 4567

Opening Hours:

Monday:          12pm - 6pm
Tuesday:          8am - 1pm
Wednesday:  by appointment - call us!
Thursday:        12pm - 6pm
Friday:              8am - 1pm

There is plenty of free parking close by the practice. We are less than a minute walk from the Coles car park, the IGA car park and the old bowls club car park.